Päivi Raivio
Urban designer and Placemaker,
Co-founder of RaivioBumann and Parkly
Päivi Raivio is a designer, artist and placemaker who is passionate about creating more life in public places. She works with design and placemaking-methodology with a strong knowledge in people participation and community building. In addition to designing and facilitating places for people, one of her main objectives is adding more urban green and implementing biophilic design solutions in urban environments.
The title of her input at SPAS is as follows: "Small places for a big change - fast tracking sustainable urban change with scalable bottom solutions". The presentation of Päivi Raivio proposes the importance of smaller public places for a city vision of a socially sustainable, lively, inviting and low-emission, greener city and points out that placemaking is one of the key methodologies to build up this network of small public places which can support the bigger city vision. She presents case studies including the Aalto University Campus.