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Roland Krebs


MSc. (Urb.), MBA, Director, superwien urbanism


Roland Krebs is an Austrian urban planner and urbanist who develops strategic action plans and place-based solutions for cities to tackle urban growth. Roland holds an MSc in urban and regional planning from the Vienna University of Technology and received an MBA in strategic management (MBA) from the Universidad de Belgrano (Argentina). Since 2011 Roland has been a lecturer at the Institute of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture at the TU Wien. Roland is co-founder and art director of superwien urbanism zt gmbh, a studio for urbanism and sustainable architecture, based in Vienna. 


The input of Roland Krebs at SPAS examines "A campus as a centre": Anyone can become a placemaker - teachers, creatives, students, staff, children. Placemaking is a creative, communal process to inspire people to adapt the urban environment to the needs of the community and shape it according to their own ideas. An university campus is a world for its own, with students, professors, staff, the kids from students, professors, staff, their families, visiors etc. Placemaking likes to involve the stakeholders to play an active role in the development of the public spaces, especially with regard to how they are used. The spaces chosen for placemaking are outdoor public spaces in new urban neighbourhoods – they give local people the opportunity to get involved and be creative, and they offer room for experiments. Roland Krebs will speak about the experience from Vienna and Oslo.

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