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SPAS - Shared Spaces for Innovation II  

Join our second co-creative workshop as part of the NTNU future campus

SPAS II workshop - poster draft 2.jpg

The project takes form in a three-day workshop with interdisciplinary speakers from NTNU. It will be held from August 28th to the 30th, 2023 at the Gløshaugen campus.

Join us!

Even though policies, plans and research on the campus pay significant attention on innovation, sharing and creativity and on the role of spaces on NTNUs campus, those spaces remain subordinate and marginal.


The overall vision is to bring city and campus together by promoting public spaces as the centre of Campus development and life and to stimulate a creative, inclusive, and sustainable NTNUs campus, through better quality shared spaces.

The primary objectives of SPAS II are: 

  • To describe the situation of public spaces on NTNU’s main campus at Gløshaugen in Trondheim.  

  • To develop ideas for shared spaces on the future campus. 

  • To discuss the strengths, problems and potentials of shared campus spaces including experiences and feelings. 

  • To highlight aspects of individual and social welfare including diversity and inclusion. 


The SPAS II secondary objectives are: 

  • To become familiar with relevant analytic and creative methodologies and tools as well as related concepts (e.g., public space in the 21 century, innovation, inclusion, tactical urbanism & placemaking, survey, ethnography/ observation, “strolology”)  

  • To meet people and socialise. 

  • To mainstream the value and awareness on public spaces that are open for all.



The project NTNU SPAS "Shared Spaces for Innovation" seeks to explore the potential of open shared spaces as the engine of connecting people, sparking inspiration, and promoting new ideas, creativity as well as innovation. NTNU SPAS Phase II aims to describe and understand the situation of public spaces on NTNU’s main campus at Gløshaugen in Trondheim. 

As part of the project, we are mapping impressions of users of public spaces at NTNU's Gløshaugen campus, identifying places that users like and dislike, and recognising areas that could be transformed to create more Shared Spaces for Innovation.
Your input matters! Join us by sharing your thoughts in our quick survey.


"Fremtidens campus (Campus of the Future) is a research and development program, which is following NTNU's work with campus development. (...) The program (...) will through original research contributions and establishment of state-of-the-art contribute with valuable input to this process.


The purpose of the program is twofold. It will produce knowledge that can serve useful for campus development and contribute to NTNU achieving the ambitious goals. Furthermore, new knowledge will be generated which other large public developments can benefit from. The program strives to be relevant and attractive for different academic communities and disciplines at NTNU, while also stimulating interdisciplinary collaboration"


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